Obie’s General Store in Goodville is a pilgrimage every seamstress should make at least once in a lifetime. So when I heard my friend Melissa had never been to Obie’s, I told her, “You’ve got to see this fabric shop!”
Melissa is one of the best seamstresses I know (or best sewist— if you prefer the newer term). She even has her own fabric store. Since I’m planning to take over the retail fabric buying for Good’s Store in a few months, Melissa and I can always talk fabric shop.
Yes, we are competitors, but that doesn’t stop us from spying on—I mean, visiting— other fabric shops together.
First we went to a small fabric store near Ephrata named Scenic View.

Then we went to Obie’s!

I felt a bit guilty just taking photos and marveling at the stacks of fabric bolts at Obie’s, so I bought a half-yard of fabric with hundred-dollar bills printed on it and then spent most of my Saturday turning it into this handbag:

It was the first homemade purse I made that wasn’t out of duct tape or old jeans, and while I’m pretty pleased with the results, it took me a long time! Here’s the Youtube tutorial I followed.
Also, here’s another (temporary) sight in Lancaster I stopped in to see this weekend:

Yes, it’s the charred remains of what was Weaver Nut Company, a huge candy and nut warehouse in Ephrata. Chain link fencing kept curious people like me from getting too close. (There’s lots of articles about this fire online, and drone footage like this.) Thankfully, no one was injured, the brave firemen saved the surrounding buildings, and the rubble is being cleared.
On Sunday, I decided to go to Ricketts Glen to see if it would be a good place to take my nieces and nephews hiking this fall. Ricketts Glen is a huge state park known for its waterfalls and is about two and a half hours north of us. I was there once or twice on youth group trips years ago.
Mom and Dad weren’t doing anything, so they decided to go along. We ended up hiking a strenuous 3.2 miles on the waterfall trail, which is steep and slippery but absolutely beautiful.

I was afraid the hiking would be a little much for Mom and Dad (“more steps!” Mom kept groaning) but they appear fine today. I hope I can still go hiking when I’m in my mid-sixties!
Then on the way home, I got my muddy sneakers against my new purse! So I had to scrub the Benjamin Franklins—I guess you could call it money laundering…
Have a great week, folks! Love, Susan
Enjoyed this blog. Finding Melissa reminds me of the “where’s Waldo” books.
Ha, ha, yes, it does kind of look like a “where’s Waldo” picture! I’m glad you enjoyed reading this.
Lol! Great blog ! I’ll have to see Obie’s myself one of these days.
I like the picture of the folks at Rickett’s Glenn .
Thanks, Brenda! Maybe you can visit Obie’s someday when you need cotton novelty prints for a sewing project!