Winter is almost over. Let’s celebrate!
Winter Grouch
Try to love winter, they say.
Embrace the day!
Get off that couch!
Stop being a grouch!
Ha! What day? I say.
The sun is always hard to find,
The sky is only white and gray.
And night’s not far behind.
Short days, long nights,
Stupid blinking Christmas lights!
Chilly drafts, frozen nose,
White frostbitten toes!
Take up a winter sport, they say,
Then you’ll like winter anyway,
Shout, “Hurray, snow day!"
And wish for cold to stay.
What sport, I snort.
However will I decide?
Sledding is for little kids,
Skiing would be suicide!
Ice skating is only fun
Until you break into the pond.
Snowboarding? Are you crazy?
Nope, I'd rather be lazy.
The snow is pretty, I’ll admit,
But only for a little bit,
Then it turns all gray and yuck.
And then my car gets stuck.
Stay inside, they recommend,
And then your attitude will mend.
But fuzzy sweaters itch me bad.
Static electricity drives me mad,
Hot chocolate’s way too sweet.
Wintertime just makes me weep.
The benefits are truly small,
Winter seems no good at all.
Then suddenly I recall,
All I have to do is wait.
Winter has an expiration date!

lol ! Waiting for sprint too ! Brenda
Today feel a little like spring! I’m glad my poem made you laugh.
The sun is out! The sky is blue!
There’s still snow, I’ve got the flu.
Sorry to hear that you are ill,
Perhaps you could try a pill?
Are you feeling wheezy?
This poetry could make one queasy!
And when the winter seems so long!
Then to the Florida sunshine I belong!
Yippee, March is here!
I will not shed a tear!
Because of winter I am weary!
Even the birds are sounding cheery!
Some of us in PA must stay,
For we cannot possibly get away!
But trees will bud and birds will sing,
And we all will be happy when it’s spring!